
网站首页    招投标计划及实施

A. 结合整体工作计划,前置性穿插及安排各项招投标工作计划节点,预留较为充裕的时间衔接与满足施工的如期推进需要,在必要节点提出关键性建议规避误区

B. 实时跟踪各项招投标工作计划的落地性,配合跟进复核项目所有招采清单、预算、品牌、型号与技术参数等要求,并结合上述因素提供比对及最佳性价比建议

C. 实时跟踪所有材料样品全过程组织,通过经验值提出符合实际要求的最佳替代方案或建议,以求最大程度的控制预算

D. 按照业主需求或要求,针对招投标平台各项流程安排、实际操作配合业主全程跟进以期达至项目初步意向



A. 实现计划的前瞻性的有序落实;

B. 规避诸多操作误区并有效控制预算;

C. 规避过度、过高、过多性的盲目性采购,造成无用或浪费;

D. 规避设计、专业顾问、施工单位、供应商在工作任务书内容中漏项或不详表述,造成实际工作的被动局面。


A. In conjunction with the overall plan, pre-interspersed and arranged for each bidding work plan node, set aside ample time to connect and meet the needs of the construction as scheduled, and put forward key suggestions at the necessary nodes to avoid misconceptions.

B. Real-time track the implementation of various bidding work plans, cooperate with the follow-up review of all procurement lists, budgets, brands, models and technical parameters of the project, and provide comparison and best cost performance suggestions in combination with the above factors.

C. Track the whole process organization of all material samples in real time and put forward the best alternative or suggestions that meet the requirements through empirical values in order to maximize the control cost.

D. Arrange and operate the various processes of the bidding platform according to the requirements or requirements of the owner to cooperate with them to follow up the whole process in order to achieve the initial intention of the project.

The functions are as follows:

A. Achieve a forward-looking and orderly implementation of the plan;

B. Avoid misconceptions and control the budget effectively;

C. Avoid mindless purchases that are excessive, excessive and excessive, resulting in futility or waste;

D. Avoid omission or lack of detail from the design, professional consultants, construction units and suppliers in the task book, resulting in a passive situation of actual work.


Bidding Plan and Implementation