
网站首页    样板段实施阶段

A. 设计交底、设计深化与审核安排

B. 施工方案及组织计划及评估

C. 前置预控与过程管控相结合成果预期性达成管理

D. 验收与整改

E. 预算检讨及基本确定



A. 施工图纸的深化设计过程跟踪、强化施工方理解与作业执行能力与效果;

B. 配合材料寻样、认样、封样、应用与预算的跟踪与控制,力求既符合设计要求又达到控制预算目的,为大面积施工做足准备;

C. 跟踪整体施工过程,关注工艺、工序、标准、质量及成品保护,配合关 键节点的巡查、整改与验收,为一次性完成品牌方验收做足准备;

D. 配合跟踪所有物料的组织过程,提出合理建议与配合把控物料到货计划;

F. 跟踪配合统筹竣工验收、整改与评估。


A. Design disclosure, design deepening and review arrangements.

B. Construction plan and organizational plan and evaluation.

C. Management of pre-control and process control combined with results expected to achieve  

D. Acceptance and rectification.

E. Budget review and basic finalization.

The functions are as follows:

A. Deepen the design process tracking of construction drawings and strengthen the insight into and operation execution ability and effect of the constructor;

B. Cooperate in the tracking and control of material sampling, sample recognition, sample closure, application and budget to meet both design requirements and control budget to enable sufficient preparations for large area construction;

C. Track the overall construction process, focusing on the process, process, standards, quality and finished product protection, and cooperate with the inspection, rectification and acceptance of key nodes to make sufficient preparations for the one-time completion of brand acceptance;

D. Cooperate with the tracking of the organizational processes of all materials and put forward reasonable suggestions and collaborations with the control of material delivery plans;

F. Follow up and cooperate with the overall plan for acceptance, rectification and evaluation.



Sample Implementation Stage