
网站首页    筹备开业阶段

A. 运营团队进场计划安排

B. 运营物资清单、预算、采购计划审核

C. 涉及第三方运营团队管理方案及资质审核

D. 开业计划审核



A. 提供适当的运营团队进场建议,包括员工设施整体落实 安排等,避免过早或造成的费用开支过高情况;

B. 提供运营物资审核报告,规避预算不当情形;

C. 针对第三方运营方比选报告;

A. Operation team entry plan

B. Audit the list of operating materials, budget and procurement plan.

C. Involve third-party operation team management solutions and competency review.

D. Opening plan review.

The functions are as follows:

A. Provide appropriate input from the operation team, including overall implementation arrangements for staff facilities, to avoid early or excessive costs;

B. Provide operating materials audit reports to avoid improper budgets;

C. Comparison report against third-party operators;


Preparation for opening